
CDD & Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Curacao
This training is based on 1) LID and LvMOT of Curacao, 2) provisions and guidelines of the Centrale Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten and
3) Instructions of the FIU. The training includes topics like What does CDD mean? Why are AML/CFT rules and regulations so strict and important? How do these rules get implemented in organizations? Who is involved?
This e-learning addresses these questions in a clear and comprehensive way.

CDD & Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing BES Islands
As of July 1st 2021, the revised Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (BES) Act
(Wwft BES) entered into force. This training updated in this respect.
This training is based on 1) Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (BES Islands) (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financiering – Wwft BES) and the Sanctions Act (BES), 2) DNB (De Nederlandse Bank) Guidance on the Wwft and the Sanctions Act and
3) Instructions of the FIU.
The training includes topics like What does CDD mean? Why are AML/CFT rules and regulations so strict and important? How do these rules get implemented in organizations? Who is involved?
This e-learning addresses these questions in a clear and comprehensive way.

CDD & Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing St.Maarten
This training is based on the St. Maarten legislation. The training includes topics like What does CDD mean? Why are AML/CFT rules and regulations so strict and important? How do these rules get implemented in organizations? Who is involved?
This e-learning addresses these questions in a clear and comprehensive way.

CDD & Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Suriname
This training is based on the Surinam legislation. The training includes topics like What does CDD mean? Why are AML/CFT rules and regulations so strict and important? How do these rules get implemented in organizations? Who is involved?
This e-learning addresses these questions in a clear and comprehensive way.

CDD & Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing Trinidad and Tobago
This training is based on local legislation of Trinidad and Tobago. The training includes topics like What does CDD mean? Why are AML/CFT rules and regulations so strict and important? How do these rules get implemented in organizations? Who is involved?
This e-learning addresses these questions in a clear and comprehensive way.

ACAMS Study Group I
This is a closed training environment.
For more information about our CAMS exam preparation, please go to https://forensic-caribbean.com/training/cams-certification/.

ACAMS Study Group test II
This is a closed training environment.
For more information about our CAMS exam preparation, please go to https://forensic-caribbean.com/training/cams-certification/.

ACAMS Study Group test III
This is a closed training environment.
For more information about our CAMS exam preparation, please go to https://forensic-caribbean.com/training/cams-certification/.
Company specific course

C-Post / MoneyGram – Monitoring – Subjective reports Compliance Training
E-learning taylormade to C-Post / Moneygrams’ needs.
Please contact us in case your company is interested in a taylormade compliance course.
Company specific course

C-Post / MoneyGram – Compliance Training for New employees
E-learning taylormade to C-Post / Moneygrams’ needs.
Please contact us in case your company is interested in a taylormade compliance course.

Compliance | Refresher & Developments 2024 (GGF)
Final test training Guardian Group Fatum – November 2024
What Our Students Have to Say
Professional Compliance training; the trainer used local cases to explain the course materials.
Very useful training, very clear explained. Just what I needed as a business owner!